APACAgricultural Policy Analysis Center - Weekly Column

updated 11/11/2022

Policy Pennings Weekly Agricultural Policy Column

Originally published in MidAmerica Farmer Grower 
Reproduction Permission Granted with:

1) Full attribution to Daryll E. Ray and Harwood D. Schaffer, Agricultural Policy Analysis Center, Knoxville, TN;

2) An email sent to hdschaffer@utk.edu indicating how often you intend on running the column and your total circulation. Also, please send one copy of the first issue with the column in it to Harwood Schaffer, Agricultural Policy Analysis Center, 1708 Capistrano Dr., Knoxville, TN 37922.

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December 2014

  1. Senegal’s Prime Minister committed to holistic economic development
  2. December 26, 2014 #752
  3. The many dimensions of sustainability as defined by Senegal development official
  4. December 19, 2014 #751
  5. How your program yield compares to your county’s yield may matter when deciding on PLC or county ARC
  6. December 12, 2014 #750
  7. To participate in Agricultural Risk Coverage or Price Loss Coverage, that is the question
  8. December 5, 2014 #749

November 2014

  1. Commodity policy choice: Treat the symptoms or address the cause of low crop prices
  2. November 28, 2014 #748
  3. Periodic farm bills assume short-term economic conditions will persist into the future
  4. November 21, 2014 #747
  5. Farm-level production decisions and industry-level impacts
  6. November 14, 2014 #746
  7. Modeling world food production needs in 2050
  8. November 7, 2014 #745

October 2014

  1. Who is going to feed Africa? African expert's answer: African farmers, one acre at a time
  2. October 31, 2014 #744
  3. McDonald’s answers food questions and Whole Foods announces a new rating system
  4. October 24, 2014 #743
  5. In the future farmers’ fiercest taskmaster may be consumer expectations
  6. October 17, 2014 #742
  7. Local corn prices dip below $2 in some areas
  8. October 10, 2014 #741
  9. US farm organizations join alliance for Climate-Smart Agriculture
  10. October 3, 2014 #740

September 2014

  1. Blasingame Policy Chair: Reviewing the past and looking to the future
  2. September 26, 2014 #739
  3. No policy in place to handle multiple years of good crops and mediocre demand growth
  4. September 19, 2014 #738
  5. Railroad criticism is a long-standing refrain among farmers
  6. September 12, 2014 #737
  7. Iowa’s strategy to reduce agricultural runoff of nitrogen and phosphorus
  8. September 5, 2014 #736

August 2014

  1. Chesapeake Bay, EPA and agriculture
  2. August 29, 2014 #735
  3. Farm-based nitrogen emissions are unavoidable but can be minimized
  4. August 22, 2014 #734
  5. Toledo Mayor to residents: “Don’t drink the water”
  6. August 15, 2014 #733
  7. Market-following programs, once perfected, would be no protection at all
  8. August 8, 2014 #732
  9. Climate change issue: better to respond needlessly than mistakenly do nothing
  10. August 1, 2014 #731

July 2014

  1. The African slate is not blank: Taking democratic traditions and indigenous knowledge seriously
  2. July 25, 2014 #730
  3. Easterly: Development economists are cozy with autocratic leaders, little help gets to poor
  4. July 18, 2014 #729
  5. Feed the Future links agriculture, nutrition, and infant health
  6. July 11, 2014 #728
  7. Risky Business report: “Right or wrong, is it time to take on a climate change ‘insurance policy’?”
  8. July 4, 2014 #727

June 2014

  1. Chicago Council on Global Affairs identifies “blue skies” research areas to improve global food security
  2. June 27, 2014 #726
  3. Chicago Council strategizes response to climate and food security issues
  4. June 20, 2014 #725
  5. Adapting the global food system to climate change should be a priority,” says CCGA
  6. June 13, 2014 #724
  7. Chicago Council lists three-decade changes in greenhouse gases and average temperature
  8. June 6, 2014 #723

May 2014

  1. National Geographic article addresses global food needs in 2050
  2. May 30, 2014 #722
  3. Water categories included in EPA’s “Waters of the U.S.”
  4. May 23, 2014 #721
  5. Scientific literature used to clarify which U.S. waters are within EPA’s jurisdiction
  6. May 16, 2014 #720
  7. Waters of the U.S. rule: The back story and waters that are explicitly excluded
  8. May 9, 2014 #719
  9. Waters of the United States and the Clean Water Act
  10. May 2, 2014 #718

April 2014

  1. As goes China, as goes today's soybean exports
  2. April 25, 2014 #717
  3. Community-led development makes a real difference in a Senegalese community
  4. April 18, 2014 #716
  5. Self-reliance is the goal of Farmer Group 5 in Guédé Chantier, Senegal
  6. April 11, 2014 #715
  7. In search of a cost-effective fuel for cooking in rural Africa without deforestation
  8. April 4, 2014 #714

March 2014

  1. Farmers’ issues and challenges in other parts of the world are different yet similar
  2. March 28, 2014 #713
  3. Agriculture and life in a Senegalese village
  4. March 21, 2014 #712
  5. Save revenue insurance from the eventual public ridicule that beset direct payments?
  6. March 14, 2014 #711
  7. Implementation of 2014 Farm Bill allows farmers time to make an informed choice
  8. March 7, 2014 #710

February 2014

  1. Insurance and the new farm bill
  2. February 28, 2014 #709
  3. Price and the value of agricultural exports
  4. February 21, 2014 #708
  5. Agriculture Act of 2014: Commodities Title
  6. February 14, 2014 #707
  7. Finally, A Farm Bill
  8. February 7, 2014 #706

January 2014

  1. Say it ain’t so Joe!
  2. January 31, 2014 #705
  3. Low prices in the late 1990s slowed production little but fueled the ethanol phenomenon
  4. January 24, 2014 #704
  5. The 1996 “Freedom to Farm” Farm Bill
  6. January 17, 2014 #703
  7. How farm policy used to work
  8. January 10, 2014 #702
  1. So what is the role of commodity programs? Can they even be justified?
  2. January 3, 2014 #701



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December 2014

  1. Senegal’s Prime Minister committed to holistic economic development
  2. December 26, 2014 #752
  3. The many dimensions of sustainability as defined by Senegal development official
  4. December 19, 2014 #751
  5. How your program yield compares to your county’s yield may matter when deciding on PLC or county ARC
  6. December 12, 2014 #750
  7. To participate in Agricultural Risk Coverage or Price Loss Coverage, that is the question
  8. December 5, 2014 #749

November 2014

  1. Commodity policy choice: Treat the symptoms or address the cause of low crop prices
  2. November 28, 2014 #748
  3. Periodic farm bills assume short-term economic conditions will persist into the future
  4. November 21, 2014 #747
  5. Farm-level production decisions and industry-level impacts
  6. November 14, 2014 #746
  7. Modeling world food production needs in 2050
  8. November 7, 2014 #745

October 2014

  1. Who is going to feed Africa? African expert's answer: African farmers, one acre at a time
  2. October 31, 2014 #744
  3. McDonald’s answers food questions and Whole Foods announces a new rating system
  4. October 24, 2014 #743
  5. In the future farmers’ fiercest taskmaster may be consumer expectations
  6. October 17, 2014 #742
  7. Local corn prices dip below $2 in some areas
  8. October 10, 2014 #741
  9. US farm organizations join alliance for Climate-Smart Agriculture
  10. October 3, 2014 #740

September 2014

  1. Blasingame Policy Chair: Reviewing the past and looking to the future
  2. September 26, 2014 #739
  3. No policy in place to handle multiple years of good crops and mediocre demand growth
  4. September 19, 2014 #738
  5. Railroad criticism is a long-standing refrain among farmers
  6. September 12, 2014 #737
  7. Iowa’s strategy to reduce agricultural runoff of nitrogen and phosphorus
  8. September 5, 2014 #736

August 2014

  1. Chesapeake Bay, EPA and agriculture
  2. August 29, 2014 #735
  3. Farm-based nitrogen emissions are unavoidable but can be minimized
  4. August 22, 2014 #734
  5. Toledo Mayor to residents: “Don’t drink the water”
  6. August 15, 2014 #733
  7. Market-following programs, once perfected, would be no protection at all
  8. August 8, 2014 #732
  9. Climate change issue: better to respond needlessly than mistakenly do nothing
  10. August 1, 2014 #731

July 2014

  1. The African slate is not blank: Taking democratic traditions and indigenous knowledge seriously
  2. July 25, 2014 #730
  3. Easterly: Development economists are cozy with autocratic leaders, little help gets to poor
  4. July 18, 2014 #729
  5. Feed the Future links agriculture, nutrition, and infant health
  6. July 11, 2014 #728
  7. Risky Business report: “Right or wrong, is it time to take on a climate change ‘insurance policy’?”
  8. July 4, 2014 #727

June 2014

  1. Chicago Council on Global Affairs identifies “blue skies” research areas to improve global food security
  2. June 27, 2014 #726
  3. Chicago Council strategizes response to climate and food security issues
  4. June 20, 2014 #725
  5. Adapting the global food system to climate change should be a priority,” says CCGA
  6. June 13, 2014 #724
  7. Chicago Council lists three-decade changes in greenhouse gases and average temperature
  8. June 6, 2014 #723

May 2014

  1. National Geographic article addresses global food needs in 2050
  2. May 30, 2014 #722
  3. Water categories included in EPA’s “Waters of the U.S.”
  4. May 23, 2014 #721
  5. Scientific literature used to clarify which U.S. waters are within EPA’s jurisdiction
  6. May 16, 2014 #720
  7. Waters of the U.S. rule: The back story and waters that are explicitly excluded
  8. May 9, 2014 #719
  9. Waters of the United States and the Clean Water Act
  10. May 2, 2014 #718

April 2014

  1. As goes China, as goes today's soybean exports
  2. April 25, 2014 #717
  3. Community-led development makes a real difference in a Senegalese community
  4. April 18, 2014 #716
  5. Self-reliance is the goal of Farmer Group 5 in Guédé Chantier, Senegal
  6. April 11, 2014 #715
  7. In search of a cost-effective fuel for cooking in rural Africa without deforestation
  8. April 4, 2014 #714

March 2014

  1. Farmers’ issues and challenges in other parts of the world are different yet similar
  2. March 28, 2014 #713
  3. Agriculture and life in a Senegalese village
  4. March 21, 2014 #712
  5. Save revenue insurance from the eventual public ridicule that beset direct payments?
  6. March 14, 2014 #711
  7. Implementation of 2014 Farm Bill allows farmers time to make an informed choice
  8. March 7, 2014 #710

February 2014

  1. Insurance and the new farm bill
  2. February 28, 2014 #709
  3. Price and the value of agricultural exports
  4. February 21, 2014 #708
  5. Agriculture Act of 2014: Commodities Title
  6. February 14, 2014 #707
  7. Finally, A Farm Bill
  8. February 7, 2014 #706

January 2014

  1. Say it ain’t so Joe!
  2. January 31, 2014 #705
  3. Low prices in the late 1990s slowed production little but fueled the ethanol phenomenon
  4. January 24, 2014 #704
  5. The 1996 “Freedom to Farm” Farm Bill
  6. January 17, 2014 #703
  7. How farm policy used to work
  8. January 10, 2014 #702
  9. So what is the role of commodity programs? Can they even be justified?
  10. January 3, 2014 #701


December 2014

  1. Senegal’s Prime Minister committed to holistic economic development
  2. December 26, 2014 #752
  3. The many dimensions of sustainability as defined by Senegal development official
  4. December 19, 2014 #751
  5. How your program yield compares to your county’s yield may matter when deciding on PLC or county ARC
  6. December 12, 2014 #750
  7. To participate in Agricultural Risk Coverage or Price Loss Coverage, that is the question
  8. December 5, 2014 #749

November 2014

  1. Commodity policy choice: Treat the symptoms or address the cause of low crop prices
  2. November 28, 2014 #748
  3. Periodic farm bills assume short-term economic conditions will persist into the future
  4. November 21, 2014 #747
  5. Farm-level production decisions and industry-level impacts
  6. November 14, 2014 #746
  7. Modeling world food production needs in 2050
  8. November 7, 2014 #745

October 2014

  1. Who is going to feed Africa? African expert's answer: African farmers, one acre at a time
  2. October 31, 2014 #744
  3. McDonald’s answers food questions and Whole Foods announces a new rating system
  4. October 24, 2014 #743
  5. In the future farmers’ fiercest taskmaster may be consumer expectations
  6. October 17, 2014 #742
  7. Local corn prices dip below $2 in some areas
  8. October 10, 2014 #741
  9. US farm organizations join alliance for Climate-Smart Agriculture
  10. October 3, 2014 #740

September 2014

  1. Blasingame Policy Chair: Reviewing the past and looking to the future
  2. September 26, 2014 #739
  3. No policy in place to handle multiple years of good crops and mediocre demand growth
  4. September 19, 2014 #738
  5. Railroad criticism is a long-standing refrain among farmers
  6. September 12, 2014 #737
  7. Iowa’s strategy to reduce agricultural runoff of nitrogen and phosphorus
  8. September 5, 2014 #736

August 2014

  1. Chesapeake Bay, EPA and agriculture
  2. August 29, 2014 #735
  3. Farm-based nitrogen emissions are unavoidable but can be minimized
  4. August 22, 2014 #734
  5. Toledo Mayor to residents: “Don’t drink the water”
  6. August 15, 2014 #733
  7. Market-following programs, once perfected, would be no protection at all
  8. August 8, 2014 #732
  9. Climate change issue: better to respond needlessly than mistakenly do nothing
  10. August 1, 2014 #731

July 2014

  1. The African slate is not blank: Taking democratic traditions and indigenous knowledge seriously
  2. July 25, 2014 #730
  3. Easterly: Development economists are cozy with autocratic leaders, little help gets to poor
  4. July 18, 2014 #729
  5. Feed the Future links agriculture, nutrition, and infant health
  6. July 11, 2014 #728
  7. Risky Business report: “Right or wrong, is it time to take on a climate change ‘insurance policy’?”
  8. July 4, 2014 #727

June 2014

  1. Chicago Council on Global Affairs identifies “blue skies” research areas to improve global food security
  2. June 27, 2014 #726
  3. Chicago Council strategizes response to climate and food security issues
  4. June 20, 2014 #725
  5. Adapting the global food system to climate change should be a priority,” says CCGA
  6. June 13, 2014 #724
  7. Chicago Council lists three-decade changes in greenhouse gases and average temperature
  8. June 6, 2014 #723

May 2014

  1. National Geographic article addresses global food needs in 2050
  2. May 30, 2014 #722
  3. Water categories included in EPA’s “Waters of the U.S.”
  4. May 23, 2014 #721
  5. Scientific literature used to clarify which U.S. waters are within EPA’s jurisdiction
  6. May 16, 2014 #720
  7. Waters of the U.S. rule: The back story and waters that are explicitly excluded
  8. May 9, 2014 #719
  9. Waters of the United States and the Clean Water Act
  10. May 2, 2014 #718

April 2014

  1. As goes China, as goes today's soybean exports
  2. April 25, 2014 #717
  3. Community-led development makes a real difference in a Senegalese community
  4. April 18, 2014 #716
  5. Self-reliance is the goal of Farmer Group 5 in Guédé Chantier, Senegal
  6. April 11, 2014 #715
  7. In search of a cost-effective fuel for cooking in rural Africa without deforestation
  8. April 4, 2014 #714

March 2014

  1. Farmers’ issues and challenges in other parts of the world are different yet similar
  2. March 28, 2014 #713
  3. Agriculture and life in a Senegalese village
  4. March 21, 2014 #712
  5. Save revenue insurance from the eventual public ridicule that beset direct payments?
  6. March 14, 2014 #711
  7. Implementation of 2014 Farm Bill allows farmers time to make an informed choice
  8. March 7, 2014 #710

February 2014

  1. Insurance and the new farm bill
  2. February 28, 2014 #709
  3. Price and the value of agricultural exports
  4. February 21, 2014 #708
  5. Agriculture Act of 2014: Commodities Title
  6. February 14, 2014 #707
  7. Finally, A Farm Bill
  8. February 7, 2014 #706

January 2014

  1. Say it ain’t so Joe!
  2. January 31, 2014 #705
  3. Low prices in the late 1990s slowed production little but fueled the ethanol phenomenon
  4. January 24, 2014 #704
  5. The 1996 “Freedom to Farm” Farm Bill
  6. January 17, 2014 #703
  7. How farm policy used to work
  8. January 10, 2014 #702
  9. So what is the role of commodity programs? Can they even be justified?
  10. January 3, 2014 #701